Saturday, 5 September 2015


Beautiful! Sexy! Hot! All these they call her, on her face beams a pretty smile, but down her heart a silent cry.... saying" Oh, I wish they knew " the pain, the tears all beneath her glowing smile. She lives in a world governed by perceptions of wrong and right: with little or no attention to the reasons underlying her very choices... the reason she has to leave school everyday thinking of how to pay her rent, complete her fees, buy some new clothes or fend for her aged mother at home...
    Her dad ran away barely a year after she was born, leaving her to be raised by her young uneducated mum with no substantial source of income... years of pain, years of struggle, years of suffering but still hopes for a better tomorrow, she grew stronger, wiser and braver, forged by her experiences, she kept moving on... at 22, she was able to graduate from the university with a good degree but months down the line the jobs werent coming... so she thought "What can i do now?" 
     Being bred in a society were only the strong and the fit survive... she found herself amongst a group of friends who " wore the same shoes life gave her " and together they walked their journeys of life to a destination NO ONE KNEW but all they knew was SURVIVAL ... Little by little she found herself playing guest by night to men who couldnt care less than cooling the very heat that scorched their sensual elements...this she did not for the love of it but all in a bid to survive... but somewhere in her heart, deep down the very consciousness of her mind, she wished it was better, she wished she didnt have to, but life isnt a fiction movie, but a reality stage!! what you see is what you get.....

- to be continued
 Never be amongst the ignorant few who are quick to judge the very actions or inactions of people around us, as what we know is what we see and we may never really know what is... Most times people could find themselves in circumstances and situations that to an extent shape their choices and decisions.,, never be in a haste to hate or curse, think and ask why?
- MO'z