Permit my grammatical coinage, but all thanks to poetic license, just as bait put in sea to catch a fish that sees... money has been put on earth to "catch" a man that needs.. or is in "need". People go haywire, cross boundaries, downgrade or degrade their personalities, lower their intellectual capacity and integrity all in a wild goose chase of this fokn bait.
Those who can kill, will, those who cant, steal, those who cant steal, lie, those who cant lie, betray and those who cant, deceive... Just like a typical roller coaster, what goes around, comes around, so its only a function of "Time" and "Chance", if you are rightly positioned, it would find you... and like little children prying for attention, most let go of what really is important and eternal, for this which is temporary and man made. IT was made to ease exchange of trade, not to ease exchange of our souls... what can you give? how far can you go? to hold this bait... and just like the name " bait" something comes, and something goes,some would rather exchange the sanctity of life for this, some would even maime and go astray all for whatever we do, let the thought of material accomplishment, never be your motivation to live or yardstick to measure your success... but the mere thought of being better than the "YOU" yesterday... should spur you to attain greater heights. Remember, MONEY is a means of exchange, and not a bait for your soul.
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