Be it as it may... Every human lives a predestined life... An already orchestrated and planned play... Unfolding like a movie on display the only difference is how well you play your part or how well you dont...Either way the story wont change.
To every man is his perculiar trust and believe, but the truth remains " Que Sera Sera " whatever would be...would be. Dont live your life in a shadow of who you think you are , or you would end up loosing who you really are. Stay real to yourself... True to you... Success should be your motive and let no man be your reason for living but you and only you. See no one as competition but your dreams as your prime motivation!!!
The "poorest" (financially handicapped) of people, although i find that term greatly
misleading, it would create a clear understanding of the idea being portrayed here ,probably had dreams of riding the best in the most flamboyant houses..but where did it all go wrong? What happend to those great dreams and ambitions? Could it be mistakes beyond correction? Lost opportunities? failed friendships or betrayal? Be it what it may... Failure has no suitable explanation and success needs no explaining!! Life is enough capital to succeed. Find your path! Create your opportunities, seize the ones you see!! .. Take those risks.. And tell your success story.
- Moz
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