Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Be it as it may... Every human lives a predestined life... An already orchestrated and planned play... Unfolding like a movie on display the only difference is how well you play your part or how well you dont...Either way the story wont change.

To every man is his perculiar trust and believe, but the truth remains " Que Sera Sera " whatever would be...would be. Dont live your life in a shadow of who you think you are , or you would end up loosing who you really are. Stay real to yourself... True to you... Success should be your motive and let no man be your reason for living but you and only you. See no one as competition but your dreams as your prime motivation!!!

The "poorest" (financially handicapped) of people, although i find that term greatly
 misleading, it would create a clear  understanding of the idea being portrayed here ,probably had dreams of riding the best in the most flamboyant houses..but where did it all go wrong? What happend to those great dreams and ambitions? Could it be mistakes beyond correction? Lost opportunities? failed friendships or betrayal? Be it what it may... Failure has no suitable explanation and success needs no explaining!! Life is enough capital to succeed. Find your path! Create your opportunities, seize the ones you see!! .. Take those risks.. And tell your success story.

- Moz

Monday, 14 April 2014


Why? For how long? Till when? after how many more senseless and ill motivated deaths?

When i was younger in primary school we recited this every morning as part of our daily routine....and my favorite part was "Thy labour of our heroes past, shall never be in vain" Really? have the deaths of Nnamdi Azikiwe, Isaac Boro park, Ken Saro Wiwa,  amongst other matyrs of the Nigerian dream been atoned for? or justified? in the least way possible? a re-emphasizing  and re sounding NO!!!! A country that survived civil wars, is daily been thorn apart by the insatiable thirst of blood seeking non chalant youths puppeted by selful politicians for the worst reasons under the disguise of a faith-inspired Fight called the "Boko Haram".

Shedding blood, taking lives, making wives and mothers cry, turning women to widows and burying families in sorrrow.. Oh, how long... shall we continue this way... For how long will the  wicked trample on well meaning lives of innocent  Nigerians... who have nothing to do with the reason they fight or why they are willing to die for a cause which no one really knows were the "Truth" lies...

Every day, uncertainty and anxiety over seeing the next day, heightens because no one really knows where the next suicide bomber would do his evil deeds. Dear Nigerians, personal safety and prayers is the only way until the day a revolution would come and take all this pain away....because for now? The story is still yet to change.

They target the poor, and cleverly aleniate the rich from their ungodly deeds..but whatever it is...the heart of a man who takes a life would know no peace until HE himself is at peace. Only the wise would understand this. Nemesis awaits the perpetrators and sponsors of the bombings in Nigeria... time is their only saving grace. it will come... sure, it will.

- Anonymous

Thursday, 10 April 2014


    Aim for the sky... Always stay true to your dreams...never negotiate your ambition for temporary satisfaction... The price of a short circuited dream is a life of non actualisation. Every day given to a man, is a constant reminder of the validity of your imagination and how concrete they can become...if only will + opportunity meet. Opportunities are best created than waited opportunity waited for is synonymous with fallen these times. Regardless of what is told, heard or seen, we live in a world were the "man-help-man" syndrome is an illusion formed by our minds to wait for that "perfect" time when a helper would come. Be your helper... no one can do it better, Force no one to believe in you or your dreams, just give them a reason to!  The eyes are made to believe whatever they behold, doubt is only created when there is a feeling the truth is not been told... Show them, let them see, that truely your dreams can and will unfold.

    Head up, feet down, mind would wear the crown.

- MO'z

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The Share

Rich or poor.. good or bad, white or black, every child is born crying... depicting the suffering hauled up in this world.. some with silver spoons.. some have to find theirs... through the sweat and suffer of their bodies... they have to climb life's ladder of success.. all to prove their worthiness of being among the living...

This aint for the rich and highly placed, but for those who hustle and bustle just to get their daily pay.... The strength of a man lies in his innermost ability to surmount life's tough travails..and soar high like an eagle.. you would have been born rich if God knew you couldnt fight for it... but you are in that state.. coz you got what it takes to make your way... NEVER forget we all got 24hrs a  day, and never let a rich man look down on you and tell you, you cant make it someday, because truth is there is greater glory and sweetness to a story that started with grass...and transcended in grace, than that which always was at that "Grace pace" ... impossibilty starts where imagination ends... i dont seek to motivate you.. but as a human being, your utmost motivation should be the fact that you are alive and a living being... if not? walk down the street and get knocked by a car... because a poor guy or girl that died yesterday, was probably better than you are... and if you sitted right there, reading this piece, hoping for success to come..while you sleep... i would leave you to reap that seed.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Fokn Bait

Fokn Bait ;

Permit my grammatical coinage, but all thanks to poetic license, just as bait put in sea to catch a fish that sees... money has been put on earth to "catch" a man that needs.. or is in "need". People go haywire, cross boundaries, downgrade or degrade their personalities, lower their intellectual capacity and integrity all in a wild goose chase of this fokn bait. 

Those who can kill, will, those who cant, steal, those who cant steal, lie, those who cant lie, betray and those who cant, deceive... Just like a typical roller coaster, what goes around, comes around, so its only a function of "Time" and "Chance", if you are rightly positioned, it would find you...   and like little children prying for attention, most let go of what really is important and eternal, for this which is temporary and man made. IT was made to ease exchange of trade, not to ease exchange of our souls... what can you give? how far can you go? to hold this bait... and just like the name " bait" something comes, and something goes,some would rather exchange the sanctity of life for this, some would even maime and go astray all for whatever we do, let the thought of material accomplishment, never be your motivation to live or yardstick to measure your success... but the mere thought of being better than the "YOU" yesterday... should spur you to attain greater heights. Remember, MONEY is a means of exchange, and not a bait for your soul.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Man Alone

Man Alone :

come rain, come shine, come pain, come gain, come joy, come sadness, we all live a life, that looks up to our boldness, or fear, strengths and weaknesses. How far we go, whatever we become deeply depend on our decisions

.friends, foes or family can only influence, but should NOT lead our lives, a life contradicting this truth.. is ages away from reality, and as such dwells in perfect fantasy. Be the reason you are rich or poor. Be the reason you live or die. Be the reason you fail or succeed. in this race(life) it should be you, your conscience, your heart, mind and God, any third party should occupy a position of auxillary relevance and not primary importance. Because a life, constantly and completely dependent on people, is a life void of purpose... find you, find yourself, and dwell in self sufficiency. Never forget, the man who stands alone, in time, would sit on the throne, but the man who stands with all, will be just like them all.